Tuesday, March 25, 2014

OOTD: Girly Menswear


The beach does the body, soul, and face good. Fortunately, I spent the last week vacationing for Spring Break; which you might already know if you read this blog often. Either way, I totally recommend taking a week long vacation to get away from the struggles of everyday life and having some fun in the sunshine. The sun has Vitamin D in it and can actually improve the way you feel and look. I also added some blonde highlights to my hair (bye bye ombre, you were good to me) and I love the way it turned out. With warm weather on the way, blonde highlights feel appropriate.

Look how easy it is to transform menswear to must wear; just add a bright color skinny jean!

What I’m Wearing:

What is your favorite part?
Stay tuned Thursday for pictures from my beach trip; get excited!

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