Sunday, October 20, 2013

Small Space- Series

Sundays are meant for laundry, pinterest researching, playing xbox, homework, dog walking, catching up on my favorite blogs, editing pictures, and overall getting ready to tackle the upcoming week’s activities. As I was cleaning the extra bedroom, I came across many troubled areas that need organizing. So what do I do? Blog about it.
Lately, I have been on a mission to clean and organize our apartment-top to bottom because I am so tired of random things being out of place and are not accessible when I need them. I have been pinning cleaning tips and organization ideas under my CLEAN board on Pinterest but decided (between sips 0f Full Throttle) that I need a ‘Small Space’ board. As some of you know I used to live in a 3 bedroom house with 2 roommates, but now my boyfriend and I moved to the city and the apartment is a lot smaller than what I am used to. Something you might not know is that I have moved 5 different times in the last 5 years. I’m a wanderer, I can’t help it. During that “wandering” I acquired quite a bit of stuff. Between relatives dumping their hand-me-downs on me and my mom’s compulsive buying syndrome, my tiny apartment looks like an overstuffed thrift store. Follow me as I organize and get rid of the “stuff” overtaking my apartment and life through this ‘Small Space Series’. One major thing that brought on this series is this blog. Right now I have no decent place to take pictures for it because of all of the junk; it’s absurd. So this weekend began my binge cleaning and organizing spree. I tackled the extra bedroom first and started working on my closet, where the real problem exists. I wish I would have taken a BEFORE picture to demonstrate how much junk was actually there.
Tomorrow (usually Mention Monday) will be Small Space series post #1 with pictures explaining my progress and where I found inspiration. I will be blogging everyday this week with Small Space series posts so get ready!
What are your thoughts on this post series? Do you have any tips to add? Comment the tips below and I will feature the best ones.

Happy cleaning and organizing!

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