Friday, September 11, 2020

Platform Boots from Amazon

HAPPY FRIDAY - You've seen the posts from the cool girl bloggers wearing platform boots from high end designers like Prada and even popular trendy brands such as Missguided. 

 But what if I told you that you could find the same kinda style/coolness from AMAZON

Would you believe me? 

Well, you're in luck because I found the perf pair of platform combat boots just in time for Fall weather!
Check out the different colors and styles - which ones are you adding to cart?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ugg Slipper Dupes from Amazon


 A very important part of a working from home wardrobe (especially as it gets colder) is SLIPPERS.

We want fluffy, soft, warm and cozy. Style hasn't ever been that important to me when it comes to shoes I wear around the freaking house until now. 

If you've been online in the last 2 weeks, you've seen bloggers and influencers talking about these Ugg Flufette Slippers from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale aka The N Sale linked here

As you can see, they are SOLD OUT. The hot pink color which I reallly wanted was sold out before the sale was even public to us normal people. I was immediately mad about it so...THE SEARCH BEGAN. 

First of all, 90 or 95 dollars for slippers is stupid as hell, don't care if they are Ugg or not so I was not about to pay that when the sale sold out. I decided either on sale or nothing.

First stop I checked was instantly a winner so here's a little round up of the best Ugg Slipper Dupes - all found on AMAZON. 

1. SUPER similar to Ugg's Fluff Yeah Slide Slipper for under $25 - say no more. 2. Have you ever seen anything more 2020 than these slippers? Die for the tie dye. 3. Hot pink furry slippies - check! 4. This darker green color has me dreaming of the holidays - too soon? *Hangs up Christmas lights* 5. Pale pink/blush is so romantic. Lounging but make it luxurious. 6. These give off total "Ugg" vibes 7.This fur pair is so fun! More of a slide than a slipper so we can wear these to chase down the amazon man when he drops off your package at the wrong house 8. Foot problems but make it hot pink! 9. Take me to a hotel so I can wear these - thanks. 10. These claim to feel like memory foam

Now for some fun ones!

  The question is - what is more 2020? Tie dye or Cup O Noodles slippers? Debate in the comments

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Inspirational Podcasts for The New Year

We are embarking on 2018 and it's super exciting but terrifying at the same time. I remember the end of 2016 and how I was so excited for 2017 but boy, was I in for a ride. My business completely shifted from tank tops to decorating skulls. Before it shifted, it completely plummeted. Like went from selling 10 things per day to nothing. It wasn't a gradual shift either, it was like BAM! All the sudden, nobody wanted my shirts anymore. The views and money stopped, but that rant is for another day. Wow 2017, what a year full of ups but mostly downs, honestly. I'm so ready to see this year in the rear view, which brings me to binge-listening inspirational podcasts. I've never been a podcast person. In fact, I always made fun of my grandma because she lived for talk radio, yet here I am listening to inspirational podcasts, HA - how the tables have turned!

Some of my favorites are:

#1: Style Your Mind Podcast - I mentioned this podcast a little bit in the previous post, but there is so much more that needs to be said. When I discovered Style Your Mind, I was in such a dark non-motivational place, you could even say borderline depressed. My business was in the shitter (or going through a transitional period), my self-worth was deteriorating because here I am 26 with no back up income, and everything became in-question. When you don't love yourself, it's extremely difficult to understand why anyone else would love you. Style Your Mind was like the extra push I needed to rediscover myself and figure out what the hell I wanted out of life. I started listening to her while drinking coffee in the morning and it truly changed my whole routine, which in turn changed the course of my days then weeks and now months. I live for Cara's outlook on life and know you will too! She's a master life coach, published author and 24/7 badass. You can find her podcast here, and her website here, which has all of her books and everything to do with Cara.

#2: The Laptop Lifestyle - You would think you have to already live the "laptop lifestyle" to listen to this podcast, but NOPE! If you're stuck in your career and just want to listen to some badass, inspirational stories and entrepreneur how they got here's, then this is for you! I find it hard not to be inspired when listening to experienced, successful people who started from the ground up and chased their dream. In fact, I live for shit like this. The host usually features a guest who is either living or has lived the laptop lifestyle. The best part is a lot of the time it didn't start out that way. In fact, most of them led corporate lives and were bound by the 9-5 clock before they broke off on their own and became self-made entrepreneurs, bloggers, marketers etc. One of my favorite episodes is: Finding Your Creative Freedom with founder of Dazey LA, Dani Nagel on Oct. 24. You can find that episode linked here. It really hit home for me and I was in tears by the middle for some reason, it could've been my period but I'm pretty sure I was just uber inspired. If you're lacking business/marketing inspiration then this is one of best that I've found, other than Style Your Mind.

#3: Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso - Love or hate her, Sophia Amoruso is the founder of the word girlboss. She started from Ebay and built a million dollar empire known as Nasty Gal. She sold it and is now a full-time motivational speaker and girlboss. Get ready for more how they got there's; in fact, this whole podcast is dedicated to speaking to successful people about their first job and breaking down where they started. TALK ABOUT MOTIVATION - this podcast is full of inspiration and the content completely dependent upon who the guest is. One of my favorite episodes is with the founder of Dry Bar - so inspirational! Listen to that episode here to get a good feel of the podcast.

#4: The Skinny Confidential Him and Her Podcast - This podcast is more of a lifestyle based podcast, but it's packed with inspiration to get and stay healthy, skin & haircare tips, plus successful blogging and social media inspiration. The Skinny Confidential started out as a blog by Lauren and has since blossomed into so much more. I love that there's a man's perspective on this podcast too. Michael is so understanding of women's issues while retaining his manhood- I love it!

#5: Almost 30 Podcast - The Almost 30 Podcast isn't a business based podcast, it's more about spiritual health, wellness etc., but it's still one of my favorites to put on while I clean or work. It's an easy listen and provides tips and tricks on living your best life in your late twenties. Even if you're not 20 or even 30, still give it a listen because some of the guests provide the best insight on your overall spiritual and wellness health plus some humor along the way.

Do you like posts about podcasts?
 I'm thinking of doing pop culture podcasts next.

Now what are you waiting for? 

HAPPY (almost) NEW YEAR - Xo, Ashley

Thursday, December 28, 2017

2018 Goals - More/Less

Hearing the usual New Year, New Me crap, is a little bit like a broken record around this time of year. I'm not knocking people for bettering themselves with a new year approaching; hell, that's exactly what I'm trying to do as well. I'm just saying let's change it up a little! For some reason, I've never been one to sit down and write goals. I have them, but never really took the time to write them out and visualize myself actually accomplishing them. It sounds bad I know, but until listening to one of my favorite podcasts- Style Your Mind by Cara Alwill Leyba, I never knew the importance. Cara is a master life coach and is my absolute favorite thing to listen to when lacking inspiration, creativity, marketing skills etc. She literally just makes you want to grab life by the horns and make it your own. I highly, highly recommend checking her out. I will make a separate post for Inspirational Podcasts for the New You. Anyway, she stresses WRITING DOWN YOUR VISION so you can reflect on it throughout the year. For some reason, this really stumped me. Who do I want to be in 2018? I found the easiest way for me to decide who I wanted to be was to start with who I didn't want to be in 2018. Cara talks about the more/less strategy in one of her podcasts : Episode 66 to be exact. The more/ less strategy is basically deciding what you want less of in the new year, which leads you to what you crave more of in your life. It's actually a super fun, reflective process.  SO HERE WE GO...

IN 2018 I WANT TO:
Drink less booze, more water
Eat fast food less, cook more
Work out more, argue less
Judge less, love more
Create more, stress less
Less material items, more adventure
More experiences, less streaming
Less technology, more nature
More discovering, less conforming
Less worrying, more living
More traveling, less sitting
Less comparing, more progressing
R E A D  M O R E, W A T C H  L E S S 
Less city, More beach
More simplifying, less collecting
Less TV, more podcasts
More salad, less tacos
Less contour, more nail polish
More self-worth, less self-doubt
Less beer, more champagne
More understanding, less yelling
Less dreaming, more planning
More saving, less splurging
Less questions, more decisions
More apologies, less excuses
Less coffee, more tea
More music, less overanalyzing

Comment your more/less resolutions below - it doesn't have to be as long as mine or as random, but it feels great to have a reference point for the upcoming new year.  

XO, Ashley

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Target, TJ-Maxx and Trader Joes aka The Triple T's

Can we talk about something really quick? I had a realization. ALL I DO IS ONLINE SHOP and not only that..but I will only exert energy and physically go to shop at three places, which brings me to the whole point of writing this on such a whim: THE TRIPLE T'S aka triple threat---> 

Everyone knows it's officially game over when you step into Target. You've seen the memes. You go for milk and end up with a swimsuit just because it was 60% off, yeah it's December but CLEARANCE. You also end up with 48 things from the Holiday section because it's December, remember? Gosh. AND WRAPPING PAPER - let's not even go there. Freaking flamingos, cacti and unicorns, Oh My! Oh, and you can't forget the Starbucks you just had to have because shopping at Target is so financially mentally exhausting. You should've definitely aborted mission while you still had the chance, because you're in deep. There's no turning back. You look down at the cart (not basket, we're no amateur here) and question your existence for a second while repeating,"Why am I like this" three times fast. 
After Target we obviously we go to TJ MAXX. Duh, because what's torture without completely beheading yourself? So, you prance in there like the fucking reindeer you just picked up at Target to hang on the tree you don't even have up yet *Well, shit* and hit up the usual--->Handbags, which basically hit you in the face when you walk in there (Nice marketing, TJ). Make-Up and beauty products next, obviously, because who can turn down REAL TECHNIQUES BRUSHES FOR $7.99??? Not this girl. After beauty, it's a straight shot to the shoes(another one for the merchandising team of TJ)so I mean let's just peek to see what's new, not like go to your size section YET. I mean c'mon, give yourself a little credit here, you're not an uncontrollable wildebeest. Phew okay, made it past the shoes *pats self on back*. Home decor, oh here we go, into the black hole of no return. The walls start caving in and all you see is aisles and aisles of SHIT YOU NEED and everything has a weird glow around it. That's when you know you need to go home. Grab the dog toy and go home. Just when you make it past all the sweaters (after strategically analyzing each one of course), there's the checkout line. You almost made it, keep trucking. Do not make eye contact with any of the beauty products, mugs, socks, books, fucking k-cups-NOTHING. Just stand there and appreciate the wonderful smell OF CANDLES. Oh my gosh, $4. You're coming home with me. Shit, is that a coffee mug that says Bitch Juice? Okay, like what's $2.99 for a mug you will use all the time? Coffee is like a member of the family at this point and he wants new clothes. Okay, pull yourself together here...
"I CAN TAKE YOU RIGHT HERE MA'AM". Shit, he's talking to me, which you totally didn't even realize because it's hell and you're on fire. Like really fucking hot all of the sudden. WHY IS IT SO HOT IN HERE? I'm convinced it's because they want you to buy a drink in the line,which you kinda need because walking away from those succulents was v hard. Maybe it's because the amount of time and money spent is about to really hit you. "Your total is $76." Yikes! This is when you become self-aware of the destructive path you're currently living and walk out with your head down while screaming at yourself YOU HAD ONE JOB, to get a dog toy. Maaajor fail, and you still have to walk over to Trader Joe's (yep, you read that right, two torture chambers in one shopping center) to get the essentials-Chocolate chip cookies and wine. Damn, adulthood is fun. So, here we go *Smells flowers* because who doesn't love woo-ing over freshly cut flowers? Alright, I'm not sure how your Trader Joe's is set up but after flowers I always buzz over to beauty products then frozen stuff, cheese and meat, then wine. I think I just realized the actual problem at hand, I have shopping patterns and routines routed for each store. WOW, okay anyways. Wine, can we talk about the holy land that is Trader Joe's wine section for a sec? My friend introduced me to the $4.99 section and I swear to you my life hasn't been the same since. So really, I blame her *looking at you Jen*. Purple Moon is my personal favorite red blend for $4.99. Definitely not a white wine person, but I've dabbled. My mother is obsessed with some white wine that I can't remember (will update). Also, I've tried a few bottles of rosé that were appealing if you like waking up feeling like you've been in the desert for 37 years, dehydrated and without dignity, and it's a damn good time. 

Sorry for rambling, but my love for the triple t-s is deeply rooted. 

Can anyone else relate?
*Goes to Target*

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle seems hard to nearly impossible if you're not financially stable and lacking willpower. You have to really want something to make it a reality. Finally after months of eating horribly, drinking sodas, not working out and in return feeling crappy, I decided I really wanted to make a change. Unlike most people, the change was not for the outside of my body, but more for the inside. I wasn't on a quest to lose tons of weight, but to make a complete 360 from the lifestyle I had been living to a healthier and more satisfying way of life. Over a period of about three months, I have slowly (but surely) changed.

Here's what I did/ do differently now.

FIRST and foremost, society tells you the best way to lose weight is to go on a diet, but I am highly against giving up chocolate, ice cream, cake and other snacks that make me happy. So automatically, I knew a diet was out of the question. And honestly, why give up on something that brings you happiness? The key to eating snacks or anything in general, is moderation. Have the freaking cake as long as you don't have a huge portion. And did you know the speed that you eat actually effects digestion and metabolism? Next time you're ready to scarf the entire plate down before the other people at the table even finish the appetizer, remember to pace yourself and you will instantly see a difference in how full you feel. You might even find that you feel the need to eat less.

Secondly, I cannot emphasize how important it is to drink water. The easiest way to quit drinking soft drinks and sweet tea, which was huge for me, is not cold-turkey, but weening yourself off little by little. Start by replacing one drink per day (or week, depending on habits) with water, then two, three.. etc. and you will instantly notice a difference. Another thing that kick-started my water drinking is a Mavea pitcher. It filters all the nasty contaminents (including chlorine taste & odor, heavy metals, organic impurities, and pesticides) and leaves nothing but pure, clean, sparkling water that tastes delicious!

I plan on writing a detailed post (if this one goes over well) about how unhealthy most city water is and why you need to filter it later. For now, purchase a MAVEA here. Also, go ahead and grab some filters while you're at it because one lasts about 2-2 1/2 months, depending on use.

This next one is obviously a given, but freaking exercise a little every day, and you will feel at least 50% better by the end of the week (I promise). The internet allows us so many other ways to exercise than just going to the gym. In fact, there are TONS of free ways to work out using tutorials and videos from the internet. Pinterest and Youtube are two of the best resources for working out that money can buy, and both are free. On pinterest, browse the Health & Fitness section and see if you're not super inspired and ready to go to the living room (or any large, open space suitable for working out) and kick some butt. Here are a few workouts (found on Pinterest) to get you started.

Workouts mentioned above only require 5-10 minutes at the most, so no excuses!

Now for the second resource: YouTube. Below you will find two of my favorite videos for a low impact workout (easy on the knees)- one for core and the other for legs. 

Low Impact Lower Body and Core Tabata Workout:

Quick 10 Minute Core Workout- Pain in My Abs!

Do you like posts on Fitness & Working Out, including but not limited to healthy eating, exercises, detox drinks, post workout snacks? Which was your favorite workout?

 Comment below to let me know :)
&& as always, thank you for reading!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

5 Travel Necessities

You can plan a flight, book a hotel, or even take a road trip, but all travel calls for a comfortable, practical and chic outfit to accompany the adventure. Spring Break is coming up soon enough, and below you'll find some essentials you don't want to forget. Obviously different places call for different ensembles, but lets discuss some options that are chic and travel-friendly.

First of all, I think we can agree leggings are appropriate for pretty much anything, but are especially appropriate for traveling. So number one on travel chic list is, of course, leggings.

#1: LeggingsFashionista and full time mom Kristin Cavallari knows how to master looking chic in leggings on the go. Style with an oversized sweater, t-shirt, flat boots, sunnies, a large bag and you're good to go.

#2: Espadrilles: Espadrilles may not be everyone's cup of tea, but comfort is key when traveling, and espadrilles are freaking comfortable. I do find them a bit difficult to style in the winter but seem ideal for spring and summer. Below are three different ways to style espadrilles suitable for traveling.
One way- wear with a dress or romper (can't tell), another is with skinny pants, flowy blouse and bold lip & bag. And finally, the last (and probably my favorite) way is with distressed overalls.

#3: Slouchy Pants: Chic Street Style shows us how to style slouchy pants in a way that is anything but slouchy. A powerful printed slouchy pant paired with pointed flats adds a chic element and makes this outfit perfect for traveling and exploring.

#4: All Purpose Tunic: A tunic is an all purpose item and can be worn as a bathing suit cover, with cutoff shorts, or even with jeans to add a bohemian chic vibe. A tunic can be dressed up or down, according to occasion. Printed tunics are all the rage this spring & summer, and are absolutely a travel necessity. A company built around creating the perfect all purpose tunic, Show Me Your Mumu, has an unbelievable spring collection that you MUST check out! The only downfall is Mumu can be a little expensive, but I found some affordable options that are comparable.
All-purpose tunics

#5: Fabulous and practical Sunnies: We've covered comfortable shoes & clothing to wear, but every travelnista (traveling fashionista) needs a pair of essential sunglasses. Some popular shapes for this spring & summer include, round sunnies, star & heart shaped sunglasses, the fabulous cat-eye, and of course the classical wayfayer shape. And, don't forget a strap to go around your neck to make sure you don't lose your sunnies.  My favorites for under $10 include:
Swirly-Armed Round Statement Sunglasses, Classic Round Sunglasses, Heart-Shaped Sunglasses

Where are you heading to on Spring Break, and which item on this list is a MUST HAVE on your trip? Comment below!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Chic

Today is the beginning of a new week which means new responsibilities & challenges are coming our way. Instead of waking up with the thought of dreading Monday and starting a new week, try to wake up tomorrow with the thought that something amazing is going to happen. Which brings me to the first item of our Weekly Chic list:

1. Weekly inspiration. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by our daily routines and just need a little positivity so why not make it a weekly thing on Mondays to read some weekly inspiration? It can be a book, the bible, a walk in the park, pinterest, a magazine, etc. Just make a point (even if it is only for a few seconds) to allow yourself to be inspired by life. I decided to help out & provide some.

I think this message is extremely important because not only is perfection boring, but also totally unattainable. If you work towards perfection then you are always going to be disappointed because nobody is perfect. Life changes when you embrace the flaws and lack of perfection.

I cannot stress this enough. Work is inevitable but we live in a society where we can freely choose what we study & try to plan life. My advice is choose to major in a passion. If you study something you have a genuine love for, every day will feel like a new and exciting learning experience. If you feel passionate while studying it, just imagine how it will be once you make it a career. 

Honestly the first time I read this quote, I teared up. If you have ever experienced depression or felt unworthy, this is for you. Despite how we feel about ourselves, we were created to be victorious. Never forget it. 

Now, let's get down to business...
2. Trend-casting for Spring. If you are unfamiliar with trend-casting, it is basically predicting trends, like forecasting except I'm not a weather man ;). 
My predictions for Spring are as follows: Floral print, bell sleeves, floppy hats, crochet, lace bralettes, lace in general, palazzo pants and bells, tapestry bags, pops of neon, tie dye, fringe and lots of bohemian inspired jewelry and accents.

3. V-day Recipes. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and who doesn't love to receive something handmade and delicious? You know what they say: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach so check out these Valentine's Day Food Ideas for Him.

4. Hairstyles. I found a new go-to hairstyle for Spring that I am dying to share. I've seen it on pinterest a few times, but just recently tried the half-up braided crown. I love how easy it is and it totally adds a romantic & classy vibe to an outfit, which is exactly what you want on Valentine's Day.
Find out how to master this style here.
Next, I found a really innovative way to display bobby pins in hair...(Yes, I said display, not hide). 
Use two bobby pins to create an open triangle- I love it, do you?

5. Sunday Night television. Television isn't a subject we talk about much on this blog but I felt it was worth mentioning because Sunday night has become the night for television, in my opinion. THE WALKING DEAD IS BACK and as some of you might know. never disappoints with dramatic episodes full of gore and emotion. The fifth season's opener was no different with flashbacks of Beth & the twins to the super shocking ending. Also, one of my other favorite t.v. shows Girls (on HBO) came on last night after a week long hiatus, thanks Super Bowl. Shockingly, the episode was a little on the boring side, but we did see Shoshanna and Ray bond while running errands, which was cute. We also saw that Hannah might be second-guessing her decision to attend the Master's Writing Program in Iowa, which is interesting. I can't wait to see what next Sunday night has in store for both.

What was your favorite part of this Weekly Chic? Comment below!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Holy Grail Hair Products

You know those certain products that you seriously feel like you would die without? Well, I've discovered a new holy grail haircare company: Living Proof.
Living Proof produces high-quality haircare products found at salons and beauty retailers, such as Ulta, Sephora and even Nordstrom. And if Jennifer Aniston in all of her perfect glory isn't enough to convince you to try Living Proof, Living Proof's products contain no silicones and oils. Win-Win.

Originally, I  tried "No Frizz" travel size shampoo and conditioner from Ulta (Dangit, those samples get me every time) and after a few washes was simply amazed at the difference.
A little background info: My hair is damaged from over-coloring and styling for the last 10+ years which tends to cause more frizz than I would like, and also happens to be on the verge of wavy but is somewhat straight (and frizzy) at the same time. For those reasons, holy grail hair products are hard to find. Anyway, I tried "No Frizz" and liked it, but didn't love it. So the next time I was in Ulta, I decided to try travel sizes of both "Full" and "Restore" shampoo and conditioner.

I tried "Full" once and really liked it. I tried it a few more times and noticed it seriously weighing down my hair. After "Full, I finally tried "Restore," and that's when I fell in love.

Restore shampoo and conditioner is definitely the best out of those mentioned above, in my opinion. In fact, after finishing both samples, I purchased the medium size shampoo and conditioner, hair mask and instant repair treatment. I will let you know how those products work out, but for now I am seriously blown away by how much I love the shampoo and conditioner. The only downfall of the products is the line is a little on the expensive side, but honestly, TOTALLY worth every penny.

What's next? I have my sights on Perfect Hair Day (PhD) 5-in-1 Styling Treatment, which is from Living Proof's award winning more here.

I recommend trying travel sizes of all products, not just Living Proof, but especially with higher-end brands such as Living Proof. That way you can truly decide if the product is a hit or miss.

Do you like posts about holy grail hair products? Comment below to let me know!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Closet Organization

You know the saying- I like my money right where I can see it, hanging in my closet? Well, what is a woman supposed to do when there is no longer room in the closet? For some people, space isn't an issue, but for people who rent or live in a small home or apartment with even smaller closets, organization tips can help utilize the closet space you do have. 

BookshelvesWe all know bookshelves are lifesavers when it comes to book clutter, but did you know bookshelves can help organize clothing and shoes too? In fact, I use an IKEA bookshelf to display everyday flats and boots, plus I even have some larger handbags on the bottom shelf.
Be sure to check it out at the end.

For now let's talk inspiring bookshelves:
 Get fancy with it and add some hooks for your necklaces between shelves

I love how this person mixed the shoes on the shelf as if they belong right next to the other decor. *Mentally takes notes*

Who said a smaller bookshelf can't be used for strictly purses? Nobody.
Pretty and practical, I love it.

Maybe you want to use a bookshelf but don't want to have it displayed in your home. No problem, just drape a piece of fabric over the shelf like below.

Wardrobe/ Dresser: Another way to organize the clutter in your closet is to invest in a wardrobe or dresser. You can find affordable ones at thrift stores, yard sales and flea markets then fix them up the way you want. You can even add shelves or compartments to fit your needs, such as:
An easy way to create those small separators for drawers happens to be hiding within the shelves of your local hardware store. Just ask for 48 inch (or however long you need them) wood lath pieces.
Image via Organized Mom

Cube organizers: When I say cube organizer, I'm referring to furniture with perfectly made squares made for those cube organizer bins. Well, one way to incorporate them into your closet is to organize socks, underwear and other intimates in them. Another way is to ditch the bins and fold your jeans in them. See what I mean below:
I love and am totally stealing the idea of adding a cube to a dead space like the top of a closet. 
Perfect for organizing shoes and/or jeans.

Cubes are also a good place to organize t-shirts. Add more storage on top with modern looking boxes or maybe some jewelry trees for jewelry organization.

Now for a look at how I organize my everyday shoes and larger handbags 
(Don't mind the dust, I literally dusted as soon as I saw this picture, yuckkk):
I have boring books and magazines on the other shelves.

How do you organize the clutter in your closet? 
Did this post inspire you to add some organizational furniture?
Comment below!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bells are back!

What is the one trend from the 70's that we thought would never come back in style? If you guessed bell bottoms then you are correct, but leave it to the ladies of Show Me Your Mumu and Free People to bring bells back full throttle. Actually, boho is so big in fashion right now it totally makes sense that bells are back! I predict that bells are going to be all over fashion for Spring. We'll see if I'm right when March rolls around. Until then, the big question is how to style them without looking like a snapshot of my mom in the 70's? 

How To Style:
One way to modernize wearing bells is to wear with a solid, flowy top and solid wedges. You want the concentration solely on your amazing pants which is why everything else should be solid or neutral.

Totally loving the way Show Me Your Mumu styled these "Bam bam bells," which were mentioned in my previous post. Again, notice the solid top to showcase the bold print of the pants. Also, take note that bells are usually super long so a high shoe (preferably wedge) is absolutely necessary. 

Not one to wear solids? Pair bells with a printed top or fringe kimono for an ultra hippie/boho festival vibe. 

Another way to modernize bells is wear them with a graphic tee or muscle tank and hat. This look is so free people-esque.

Where to Buy:
(Only $12.50 right now)

How do you style bell bottoms? Are you excited bells are back? Comment below!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weekly Chic

Happy 2015, readers! If you read "Transformation" (my previous post) then you are aware Bows and Moccasins is undergoing transformation and website maintenance. I am still deciding about everything and how I want to re-brand so back to the drawing board it goes.

As for today, let's talk about what is chic this week in my mind:

#1: Philosophy so one of those brands you can always count on. My mom gifted me the "Best of Philosophy" beauty gift set from QVC for Christmas and amazing doesn't even accurately describe it. I will post pictures later with reviews on each product in a post by itself so look out for that. I will tell you that I have been using Hope In A Jar Moisturizer for quite some time now and definitely notice when I don't use it. If you've been looking for an overall A+ moisturizer, look no further.

#2: A Long Cami with Lace makes the perfect layering piece. Originally, I purchased the first long cami with lace from h&m during a pre-black friday sale. I grabbed it on a whim because I was overwhelmed and conveniently low on cash. Have you ever been in a fully stocked h&m? It can be an overwhelming feeling of I want everything! (haha) But honestly, if I could rewind time then I would go back and grab all the colors: Black, Cream and Pink because it is the best layering cami. Once you wear it, you're like how in the heck did I go so long without you in my life?! However after the black friday chaos, I went back to get more and they were all gone. I hopped online only to see-Sold Out. As I was searching I came across these gems from Bealls Florida Online for only $9.99.
 It doesn't look like much but once you wear one with leggings and a sweater or a tunic that is almost too short to wear in public, you will find that the cami acts as a slip-like piece and peeks out, creating a layered look. Long camis with lace add that extra layer needed for some long sleeve t-shirts and sweatshirts as well. It adds a feminine vibe to almost anything; I am obsessed and I know you will be too!

#3: I have an exciting announcement: Wildfox the brand is having a huge end of the year sale at
I purchased the cutest tunic, which is unfortunately sold out now, but for only $29.99. It is white and says Wildfox in black letters- super cute. I plan on wearing it as a bathing suit cover or with leggings for shopping, running errands or working out. Other Wildfox tunics on sale:
Mermaid Cover-Up Dress Sunshine- $39.99 (Orig. $98)
Ariel Cover-Up Dress Pink Shell- $39.99 (Orig. $98)
Take note that all orders from receive Free shipping both ways so if something doesn't fit or you decide that you don't necessarily need the item, no biggie-just return it for free.

#4: Next, let's talk organization tips. I purchased a few things for the bathroom that I feel are definitely worth mentioning. I'm pretty sure the majority of you wear make-up, but how do you organize it? Some people are different, but I prefer to see exactly where everything is, even when it's not in use. If I run to Sephora, a quick overview of what I have is convenient to avoid double purchases and whatnot. Another advantage is that it just looks great displayed in these acrylic organizers:

Another organization goodie that I picked up from TJ Maxx is the white utensil caddy(shown above), and solves the issue of having way too many make up brushes with nowhere to place them. The caddy also holds concealer and other tall slender objects you might want in the bathroom.

#5: I don't mean to be a cliche blogger but I found the perfect rustic bar cart for my house. In fact, you've probably seen it at Target if you've been lately. The three shelved wooden one with wheels. I have no words to describe it except perfect for the vibe I was going for. I didn't want to be normal and purchase the gold mirrored bar cart so I opted for one that matches my interior to a T. I will post pictures later because unfortunately, I had to leave it at my mom's (where I purchased it)- that thing was not fitting in my little SUV with all of our luggage AND the dog-no way, no how. So currently, while waiting for her to bring it, I'm drawing inspo from these images:

#6: Another TJ Maxx find that I am obsessing over lately is a pair of fabulous Seven Brand pair of shoes. You're probably thinking Seven brand, like the jeans? Yes, the same brand apparently makes shoes and boy, do they make them well. I have been searching for a pair of chunky heeled combat boots and I managed to stumble upon the perfect pair for only $29.99. Can you believe it?

#7: Have you heard that bells are back? That's right. bell bottoms are back with a vengeance and one brand does them so, so, so right...Show Me Your Mumu. If you haven't heard of them, you're in for a wild ride. They do floral and print so, so, so right too. One of my favorite items is what they call "Bam Bam Bells" which is the perfect pair of bell bottoms in literally every colorful or bold pattern you could ever want. They also do this really fun giveaway every Monday on Instagram- look up #showmeyourmumu on instagram for more info. If you want to see my favorite pair of Bam Bam Bells, click here.

#8: I have purchased a good amount of my wardrobe from online boutiques lately and figured I would share a few of my favorites:

I hope you enjoyed this post! What is inspiring you this week? Comment below!