Wednesday, January 29, 2014

h&m January Favorites

January is almost over, can you believe it? The end of the month means payday is coming which means so is my overwhelming urge to shop and spend every penny. With the ups and downs of the weather lately, I have held off buying clothes. It will be cold here one day then the next I’m searching for shorts to throw on. I have also been saving money since Christmas sorta broke me. I happened to receive the H&M Spring catalog last week and it made me crave SPRING and online shopping from h&m; which is where the title comes in…here is a list of my favorite items on right now, also known as my January favorites. Some of these items can be found online but most are from the catalog. If the item is online, I linked it and those links can be found by clicking the number before the description.
1. First, I am really digging this pink lace top for only $14.95. It comes in black, white, mocha, pink, and floral print. I see it paired with white linen skinny pants rolled up at the bottom or CHINOS and cognac colored sandals with fringe.
2. This next item is absolutely perfect for upcoming Valentine’s Day because of the heart print. If hearts aren’t quite your style, the top comes in white with black dots, dark blue with white polka dots, or cream with navy stripes. $24.95
3. I have been looking for a black maxi skirt since summer of last year and never found the right one. I think I have now: this maxi skirt looks like it would pair perfect with graphic tees for a casual and edgy look or a floral tank for a more sophisticated, girly vibe and is only $17.95. The skirt comes in cognac brown, black, purple, and dark blue.
4. I bet you can’t guess what is printed on this next item? If you guessed polka dots, you are correct! I am loving them more than usual this year and nothing is more chic than a black dress with white dots! The zipper is also a nice detail to this dress. It comes in black, red, and dark gray and is only $14.95.
5. Staying with the dress theme, the next dress I want to mention is a denim skater dress with an acid-like wash for $24.95. This particular dress reminds me of something from the 90’s but with an edgy yet modern skater-like bottom.
I have to set limits for myself before receiving my paycheck so I know how much I can spend and actually afford. Which item is your favorite from the H&M Spring/Summer collection? Tell me in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Wow love your blog! If you would like to see mine and follow me on Bloglovin I always follow back ;)



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