Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Small Space #2

I have so much I want to blog about other than small space tricks but as promised, here ya go…Small Space #2.

According to Five Style Tricks to Open Up Your Small Space from Apartment Therapy, there is five things that make your small space appear more open. My apartment only has one of the five things mentioned in the article and that is white walls. Apparently, white walls make smaller spaces look bigger, who knew? Okay, so check to white walls.

Now I only have to add built in storage, deeper bookshelves, more height, and more light. One thing that is hilarious about my old school apartment (not really funny at all) is that there is no ceiling fans or over head lights EXCEPT in the kitchen, dining room, bathrooms, and the master closet. See what I mean about it not being funny, at all? How old school is that? Well, needless to say I DEFINITELY need more lighting.

Which of the five things does your small space lack? What other tips would you add to open up a small space? Also, does anyone have any lighting secrets? I need more lights but don’t want bulky lamps or the stand up kind and adding ceiling fans is out of the question because I am a renter.

Any input is appreciated, Thanks!


1 comment:

  1. I like your pretty blog, I'll be back more often =)
    I saw we're following each other on Bloglovin', do you want to follow each other on GFC?
    Let me know so I can follow you back.
    Kisses, Ana


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