Monday, June 17, 2013

Father’s Day:SUPERMOM edition

Father’s Day brings a whirlwind of emotions to me, the only daughter to my single mother. If your mother is also Superwoman (along with mine) then you understand what I mean. The real recognition of today not only belongs to the men who had the balls to step up and be the man they were called to be but to the single mothers who do it all by themselves. If you are a single mom, I would like to sincerely thank you for picking up the broken pieces of your family and putting them back together solely with your support, love, and encouragement.
I do not personally know what it is like to run a household and a family but I cannot imagine it would be some easy task. I have trouble remembering clothes in the washing machine or dishes in the dishwasher. Some mothers have multiple kids and keep an immaculate house. HOW? I will never know. It is also those same mothers that run around like chickens with their heads cut off and can’t sit down and relax, because there is always something that needs to be done. If the person reading this has any of the qualities mentioned above, do me a favor and take some time for YOU today. Even if it is just giving yourself a pedicure or maybe finishing that book, go do it. After spending today with your father or not (whichever) or tending to your family, sneak one thing into your day or night which benefits YOU. You deserve recognition and relaxation too.
Again, thank you to all the single moms out there who play SuperMOM and dad (all in one). Your kids will never be able to say in words how fortunate they are to have such a wonderful person like you as a mother & father.
Also, to all the dads who stepped up, THANK YOU for being the person you are to your kids. The world could really use more caring & strong men.

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